Education News

Grokker profile – Jing

Grokker profile    

Name: Li Jing

Position: Social Media Officer

How long have you been working at Grok?
18 Months

What were you doing before working at Grok?
I was working at Douban Music (Pianbei Records) as a music editor. My job was mainly about music digital marketing and social media promoting. My former working experience in the media industry has been very valuable and helping me with my work promoting overseas institutions.

Why do you enjoy working in international education?
I was a student who benefited from international education. I really appreciate my family providing me with an opportunity to study abroad. I think it is great my job can contribute in developing international education.

What’s the most important reason your institutions need to be active on China’s social media?
Our social media consulting services help our clients build digital connections with Chinese potential students. Most people in China now are choosing social media as the first and most convenient tool for collecting information about study options, so creating windows to an institution online is necessary for branding and recruiting.

What’s the most meaningful or enjoyable moment you’ve had at Grok?
The posts which I have created have been viewed by audiences of thousands of people. I have really enjoyed all the times I interacted with our audiences and helped them to become more interested in our client institutions and organisations.

Describe yourself in three words.
Creative, ambitious and intelligent.

When it is time to relax, what do you like to do?
Two sides which are completely different with each other. I will hang out with my cat, playing video games, or I will start a long journey to travel to another place in the world.

What is something other Grokkers probably don’t know about you?
I can speak Cantonese fluently. Learning different languages is one of my interests.

What was your favourite subject at high school? Why?
Politics. I was highly interested in digging into those theories related to society, humanity, and economics. I think it is the most comprehensive subject to practice logic and express skills.