Education News

Grokker profile – Vivian

Grokker profile    


Name: Vivian Chow

Position: Senior Program officer for University of Adelaide

How long have you been working at Grok? 11 months

Why do you enjoy working in international education?

I enjoy working in international education because I really love talking to people coming from different cultural backgrounds. A student’s intent to study abroad can be influenced by a number of factors and it’s very interesting to learn about their individual goals for study abroad. My own experiences studying in another country have helped me to better advise students when they are making a decision to study overseas. I remember exactly what it was like to feel anxious, excited and terrified, all at once throughout the whole process. Personally, I find it rewarding to establish such meaningful connections with the students and their parents by sharing my own experience that probably help them in making decisions.

What were you doing before working at Grok?

I was working as an Education Consultant at the University of Sunderland, Kuala Lumpur office and was responsible for the recruitment of students from Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and The Philippines. It was my first job after graduation. After a good 5 years, I am still here in the education industry and I guess this is where my passion lies!

What’s the most important reason your institution needs a person on-the-ground in Malaysia?

It’s extremely important for the University to establish a constant presence in this very competitive market – this is where my role comes into picture. Having someone on the ground enables the University to understand the market better and at the same time to develop close relationships with agencies, partner institutions, schools and other organizations. I strongly believe that constant presence and effective communication are the key elements in building good work relationships.   

What do you think makes your institution truly special?

The University of Adelaide is established in 1874 and we are one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Australia. We are a member of Group of Eight in Australia. The University of Adelaide is consistently ranked in the top 1% of the world’s universities and is situated at the 5th most liveable city in the world!

At the University of Adelaide, we search, we discover, we learn and we SEEK the LIGHT of new knowledge.

What’s the most meaningful or enjoyable moment you’ve had at Grok?

Due to our hectic schedules, we don’t normally have everyone in the office at the same time. But whenever we have a chance to come together, the office is often filled with laughter and fun conversation. The feeling is similar to coming home after a long trip! This is something that I always look forward after being away for weeks or even months.

Describe yourself in three words.

Never Give Up.

I have this philosophy that I always hold on to – No matter how you feel: GET UP, DRESS UP, SHOW UP and NEVER GIVE UP.

When it is time to relax, what do you like to do?

Nothing beats a glass of nice wine at the end of a long day. Drinking good wine with good food in good company is really my most favorite thing to do!

What is something other Grokkers probably don’t know about you?

I have a degree in Political Science primarily focused on Terrorism and Counterterrorism! Growing up in a conservative Chinese family, it was tough to convince my parents (my tuition fees sponsors) to let me do this but eventually they gave in because I am as stubborn as a mule!

What was your favourite subject at high school? Why?

I love history. This is because I get to learn how societies functioned, how people interacted with each other and how governments were formed in a completely different world than we do now, but they were still people who laughed and cried and had family and friends. For some people, history is just a list of facts and dates and names which could be boring, but I am able to see it as a way to learn about real people who were just like us even though they lived in another era or century.