Education News

Hotcourses finds university response rates lacking

Global Education News    

Hotcourses conducted a survey by sending requests for information on courses to 406 universities in the UK, USA, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and New Zealand. On average, only 62% of email enquiries received responses, and of those only 36% were answered within 24 hours. The survey showed that 33% of responses to student enquiries were customized or tailored to the student’s question, while the rest were automated. New Zealand scored the best response rates of the six countries with 80%, compared with Singapore at 75%, UK at 67%, Australia at 60.71%, US at 55.47%, and Malaysia at 35.29%.
Source: The PIE News
Editor’s note: Studies have shown that response rates are important for students to assess the quality of a university, because they have limited data on university quality other than rankings, and they base their assessment on a range of things including response times. Students are more likely to apply to universities that respond quickly and with a personalized response.