Education News

How Canadian schools are helping international students fit in

Global Education News    

Some 58 percent of international students in Canada report having very few or no Canadian friends, according to a survey of 1,509 such students in Canada, to be published this fall by the Canadian Bureau for International Education. With greater numbers of students arriving from abroad each year, and millions of federal dollars driving an ambition to double Canada’s international enrolment by 2022, more schools are trying to match their recruiting efforts with robust programs to help students settle, like University of British Columbia’s “Jump Start” and University of Toronto’s “Green Path” that help students adapt to life in Canada before academic studies begin.
Source: The Globe and Mail
Editor’s note: Adapting to a new life in a foreign country may require a long process for international students, especially for students from China, with vast cultural and linguistic differences. Not only Canadian universities, but all foreign education institutions recruiting international students, should consider ways to help international students settle down in the new environment and help them succeed in their academic life.