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Islam Lafi

Regional Director for Middle East and North Africa
Islam Lafi, Grok's Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa, joined on February 1st, 2023. Describing herself as ambitious, empathetic, detail-oriented, she brings experience from roles at INTO University Partnerships and Study Group, leading initiatives in North America for MENA and ELMEA regions. Her education journey began as a high school counselor. For Islam, international education fosters global understanding and collaboration. At Grok, she values agility and adaptability. Accompanying clients to target markets brings immense satisfaction. Her favorite book varies, dream travel is Húsavík, Iceland, for its beauty. Favorite food to share is shawarma. Inspired by refugees' resilience, she learns lessons in perseverance.

When did you join Grok?
Feb 1st, 2023

Describe yourself in three words.
Ambitious, Empathetic, Detail-Oriented

What were you doing before working at Grok?
Before joining Grok, I worked with INTO University Partnerships as the North America lead in MENA. Prior to that, I worked with Study Group as the North America lead for ELMEA and Pakistan.

What was your first job in education?
My first job in education was a brief stint as a high school counselor, where I had the opportunity to assist students in academic and personal development. This experience, although short, laid the foundation for my career in the education sector.

What does international education mean for you?
For me, international education is a powerful tool that serves as a bridge between cultures, facilitating understanding and collaboration on a global scale. It’s not just about academic knowledge but also about nurturing a deep appreciation for diverse perspectives, traditions, and values. By connecting individuals from different parts of the world, international education lays the groundwork for building a more interconnected and harmonious society. It is through these educational experiences that we can contribute to shaping a better world, one where people appreciate and celebrate our shared humanity and cultural differences.

What is something interesting you have learned while working at Grok?
One particularly interesting aspect I’ve learned while working at Grok is the significance of being agile and adaptable in the dynamic field we operate in. Our ability to anticipate client needs and swiftly adjust our approach is crucial.
What is one of the most satisfying outcomes you’ve helped a client to achieve? accompanying a client to their target market for the first time and witnessing the direct impact of our collaborative efforts. Seeing the client experience the tangible results of our work, observing their reactions, and understanding how our strategies translated into real success for them was incredibly rewarding. The client’s satisfaction was not only expressed verbally but was evident in their enthusiasm and confidence in the outcomes achieved. This experience reinforced the value of our partnership and the positive difference our work makes for clients entering new markets.

What is your favourite book?
Selecting a favorite book feels a bit like choosing a favorite child – an impossible task for a certified bookworm like me. I have a deep appreciation for various genres, and each book holds a special place in my heart.

What is your dream travel destination? Why?
My dream travel destination is Húsavík in Iceland. The serene beauty and tranquility of this place have always fascinated me.

What is your favourite food to eat with friends?
My absolute favorite food to share with friends is shawarma.

What is something you’ve learned from somebody inspirational?
One of the most profound lessons I’ve learned comes from the inspiring resilience of refugees – a lesson in grit and perseverance. Growing up as the daughter of refugees and being surrounded by a community of individuals who have faced the unimaginable challenges of displacement, loss, and starting anew, I’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible strength that emerges from adversity. Despite losing everything, refugees manage to piece their lives together from scratch, rebuilding with a determination that never ceases to amaze and inspire me. This experience has shaped my own perspective, instilling in me a deep appreciation for resilience and an unwavering belief in the power of perseverance, no matter the circumstances.

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