Education News

Vocational Education meets the market

China Education News    

Vocational education will play a greater role in China’s education system and economy. To better promote vocation options, the Chinese government has decided to change the outlook and syllabi of vocational education institutions through six core aspects. First, vocational education will become a more central aspect of economic planning going forward. Second, the changes in Gaokao will guarantee that vocational school graduates are not denied the benefit of receiving academic education. Third, measures will be taken to ensure that enterprises and industrial associations get more involved in the operation of vocational schools. Fourth, partnerships between vocational schools and employers will be encouraged and supported by government policies. Fifth, the governance structure of vocational schools will be reformed to include diverse stakeholders. And sixth, government policies will help transform the vocational education sector and encourage vocational schools to take measures to meet the demands of the economy.
Source: Xinhua

Editor’s note: The growing appreciation for and acceptance of applied education translates into greater opportunities for international colleges and institutes of technology. Our belief is that the international institutions that thrive in this space will have an approach to the market that is distinct from the strictly “academic” partnerships fostered by most international universities. High quality programs focused tightly on applied skills development, industry connection and workplace experience, job readiness student services, and post-graduation employment will be the driving factors that China’s Ministries of Education, institutions and students look for when deciding which international institutions deserve to play a meaningful role.