Education News

Beijing to downplay English in college admission

China Education News    

Beijing education authorities started soliciting public opinion on Oct 21 over a college entrance examination reform scheme that would downplay the role of English proficiency. Starting in 2016, points for the English portion of the exam would be reduced from 150 to 100. English exams would be offered twice a year, and examinees would be able to take exams multiple times and choose their best score for inclusion in their total score. Of the 100 points for the English portion of the exam, the portion for listening ability would increase to 30 points.
Source: Xinhua News
Editor’s note: The downplay of English in the gaokao will lessen the burden of English language learning for students who are not going to take English as their major at college or study abroad. The reduction of English education at school is likely to lead students aiming at studying abroad to training organizations for English language training.