Education News

‘More selective’ Canada seen for immigrants

Global Education News    

Canada is considering a more “selective” scheme for immigrant investors in order to tackle the irregularities in its current system, a move that may affect tens of thousands of Chinese immigrants and applicants, official said. Starting from 2015, Canadian Customs will keep a record of immigrants’ exit and entry and those who fail to meet the requirements may lose their citizenship. Canada’s immigration authority is looking to reduce the application process to six months from 2015. “We can be more selective, in terms of higher levels of education, work experiences and language capacity, than ever before,” the Minister said.
Source: China. Org
Editor’s note: Because of fluctuations in the immigration policies of Australia and UK which have adversely impacted international students, the Chinese market is particularly sensitive to any move that may signal that a country is trending toward closing its doors to international students or reducing options for post-graduation employment and residency. Even moves that are unrelated to international students (such as the above adjustment to immigration policy in Canada) can generate anxiety within the international student marketplace. Governments who seek to expand or defend their market share in education may elect to reassure international students that these moves do not signal a less welcoming attitude.