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Recruitment at a Distance: Effective Contingency Plans in the Face of the Coronavirus Outbreak

As part of International ACAC’s 2020 Virtual Conference Grok, ran a session called Recruitment at a Distance: Effective Contingency Plans in the Face of the Coronavirus Outbreak. The panel included:

Kim Morrison, Grok Global (Founder and CEO)

Misco Mungai, Nova Pioneer School (Post-School Success Manager) Kenya

Tracy Cunningham, King’s University College (Associate Registrar) Canada

Greg Friedman, MCPHS (Senior Associate Director of International Admission) USA

Jamie Kanki, Concourse Global (Head of Engagement & Partnerships) USA

Watch the recording now:

The concern over diversifying recruitment efforts has long been one that institutions considered, but the general blocking of all travel in and around China has truly shaken many institutions. This presentation is a broader version of one we gave early in 2020 around how to maintain recruitment momentum when you are suddenly unable to recruit face to face. We will include members of various parts of the industry to bring a well-rounded view of contingency plans to the university and organizational side.

To watch a previous webinar on recruitment at a distance, and/or download the distance recruitment guide, go here.

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