Education News

University Students’ Employability Survey Report published

China Education News    

Zhaopin Limited, a Chinese career platform, has released its 2015 China University Students’ Employability Survey Report. It is based on results obtained from Zhaopin’s first sitting of the National Employability Test (NET) from August to October 2015.

Approximately 300,000 graduates from 17 cities sat the NET. The NET assesses strengths and weaknesses of graduates, and their skills. It tests intrinsic talents of graduates including general knowledge, behavioral metrics, motivation and career expectations, and provides employers with a baseline measure to evaluate graduates.

The NET found significant gaps in the career expectations and actual capabilities of 70% of the recent graduates.

KIM’S NOTE Institutions should pay attention to the employment space in China. In past years, even with buoyant economic growth, China has struggled with low employment rates among university graduates. With significant slowing of the economy, post graduation opportunities are going to become even more scarce for graduates. This reality is reflected in China’s government policy around education, with entrepreneurship, innovation, and applied skills receiving growing emphasis and priority in China’s regulatory and strategic decision making. Institutions looking to secure new partnerships in China should focus on what value they can bring to these dimensions. Institutions planning next year’s calendar for social media marketing in China should consider how they can support marketing messages about connections to industry, job readiness and post-graduation job placement with real data and case studies.