Education News

Chinese graduates of UK universities face challenges in assimilating into the workforce back home

China Education News    

Upon returning to their home country and joining the workforce, Chinese graduates face a curious catch-22: while they’re expected to apply their overseas experience in their work, employers also want them to be able to ‘fit in’ in with the local working culture. Researchers from the University of Warwick found many Chinese employers considered overseas education to be something ‘normal’, and expected job candidates to ‘sell experience’ in order to secure a job. Study International

KIM’S NOTE: As China continues to move toward the center of the world stage, we can expect that a foreign degree will diminish in status in the Chinese workforce. Chinese employers will increasingly look beyond the degree itself and evaluate the extent that those degrees mean that graduates have truly competitive skills. This suggests that employers may become a new, key audience for institutional marketing, carrying the message that the university creates exceptional graduates with distinctive workplace skills.