A Compelling Connection to High Schools and Students: Blue Skies Global Clearing Events
Last month, Grok and Concourse Global Enrollment partnered on an innovative project to test a new admissions workflow: Blue Skies Global Clearing. Seventeen Grok universities (representing US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand) collaborated with high school guidance counsellors to issue offers to forty-seven students. The admission decisions relied entirely upon pristine, high school-verified Concourse profiles, matched by Concourse to the university (with guidance counsellor input). Over a five-day Clearing Event, 180 offers of admission were issued as well as $1.5M in scholarships. One on one meetings between university representatives and students are now underway, and a few students have already indicated an intent to enrol.
This new workflow means that students do not actually apply to the universities: offers come out of the Blue. Our hypothesis – which appears confirmed – is that this brings new opportunities to students, and tilts enrollment outcomes in favour of participating universities. Blue Skies enables you to review a curated list of verified student profiles and directly issue offers to those students, with the help of their guidance counselors.
This innovative way of introducing your institution to students is ideally suited to meet the challenges of the pandemic and to help your organization meet enrollment goals. Based on the pilot, Concourse Global Enrollment will now run Blue Skies Global Clearing events over the coming few months aligned to key dates (e.g. examination results).
Grok is encouraging its institutions to participate as we forecast unusual churn in student enrollment decision making. If your institution is interested in participating, reach out to Concourse. If you would like to talk about Grok’s supports in helping your institution develop new markets (and undertake Blue Skies), please reach out to us to discuss further.