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Grok VIRTUAL High School Fairs – China, Spring 2020

Student on virtual high school fairs

In response to the uncertainty to international student recruitment caused by the coronavirus outbreak in China, Grok has assembled resources for institutions to minimize the impact due to restricted travel to reach students. One of the initiatives at Grok is to reconfigure our regular, on-site high school fairs this Spring into a brand new series of virtual fairs.

In mid March, Grok will host four virtual fairs together with renowned public and private international high schools in six tier-II and tier-III Chinese cities. A total of 10-12 high schools will participate in the fairs throughout the weekend, with the potential to reach 1000-1500 students, guidance counselors and parents. 

Fair Schedule

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Structure of the Virtual Fairs

We will use Zoom webinar for each fair, which consists of three sequential sessions:

  1. Ignite Session – 5 minute presentation from each university
  2. Q&A Session – 15 minutes Q&A for each group of universities
  3. One-on-One Session – Pre-booked meetings with students

*Depending on students’ interests, themed presentations might be arranged in parallel to the fairs.

What will participating universities achieve from the virtual fairs?

Grok virtual fairs are jointly presented by Grok and our partner company Concourse Global, which provides a leading college counseling software, a platform supporting high school counselors, students and families to explore university options, and college fair scan solution – Concourse Connect.  Joining the Grok virtual fair, universities will be able to:

  • Get fair traffic and student engagement data throughout the fair
  • Get a list of students who express their interest to know more about your institution
  • View students’ Concourse profile including their grades, test scores, destination preferences etc. 
  • Stay connected with students on Concourse after the fair
  • Promote your upcoming events to all the prospective students

What should participating universities prepare for the virtual fairs?

Before the virtual fairs, participating institutions should do the following:

  • Register a free university account on Concourse, please go to
  • Upload your university viewbook to your Concourse page for students to download 
  • Remember to put your Concourse University QR code on your presentation slides, so students can scan and connect with you anytime during the fair
  • Prepare/practice your 5 minute presentation to show the best and unique aspects of your university
  • Work with Grok to coordinate your availability for one-on-one meetings with students

As part of Grok’s Community Membership Benefits, the fairs will remain free to our client institutions. Limited seats will be available to non-client institutions on a cost-sharing basis. 

For more information, contact fair organizer, Irene Wang (!

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